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Category English

ART OF APPROACHING Teleseminar in your city!

ART OF APPROACHING Teleseminar Learn the 5 most important requirements of a good approach from the comfort of your home. Sat, 05 February, 11 am to 1 pm. All you need is a phone! ——– ——– ——- We will discuss the…

The boy must die

—— In many ancient tribes and cultures, when boys reach a certain age, they are put through a ritual that is often extremely painful and terrifying. ——— Only after successfully enduring the pain and horror of the ritual is the boy considered worthy of…

What you should do after getting her number

———– If you’ve been following this blog you know it’s not a good idea to leave immediately after getting a woman’s phone number. It makes her feel you were only interested in her number which often makes her lose attraction for you (which instantly makes the…

Learn the basics of approaching women

Learn the basics of approaching women :  Special offer! Sign up for the 30-day eCoaching program with our Limited offer! The Real Man eCoaching program is a 30-day program with step-by-step instructions (daily lessons & assignments) on how to approach women. It includes…

When you run out of things to say, move her

Sometimes you’re sitting with the girl (at the bar, coffee shop or anywhere) and half-way through the evening, you feel you’ve run out of things to say. This happens. If you don’t know how to handle this, negative thoughts can start…