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Learn how to attract and make love to women

The Real Man Workshop 2-day workshop that teaches the art of attracting and making love to women Day 1 details here » Day 2 details here » Venues : New Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Indore, Chandigarh

Average is not attractive

Most guys look average,  walk average, talk average and dress average. Then they wonder why women don’t find them attractive. Women are NOT attracted to average. Women are programmed by nature to be attracted to men who stand out from the…

All growth happens through stress

Pumping iron, doing pushups, bending backwards in Dhanurasana… It’s not pleasure your body feels. It’s stress. But at the end of the day, you get a great body. Studying for an exam, burning the midnight oil, worrying about your performance……

Get her comfortable with your touch early

Before I understood women, it was difficult for me to take things to the physical level. Girls would talk to me, they would even go out with me, but when I made the move physically, I would get rejected. Every…