When you run out of things to say, move her

Sometimes you’re sitting with the girl (at the bar, coffee shop or anywhere) and half-way
through the evening, you feel you’ve run out of things to say.

This happens.

If you don’t know how to handle this, negative thoughts can start creeping in : will she find me
boring? have I blown my chances with her? will she want to leave?

The solution?

Switch venues.

Say, “Hey let’s go sit outside in the sun” or “Let’s step outside and get some fresh air” or
“Come, let’s take a walk” or I’ve to go pick up a book*, give me company”.

And move away from the place.

There is something about physically changing your environment that refreshes your mind,
halts your current thought patterns and generates new ones.


* It’s generally a good idea to combine the date with something you have to anyway do,
like buy books, shoes, clothes etc. This makes her feel that she’s just hanging out with you
rather than being on a “date”. This is more attractive than when you dedicate a WHOLE
evening to a woman that you barely know.