Real Man

Real Man

Will there be a TAX on approaching?!

Will there be a TAX on approaching?! ——– Guys, I have disturbing news.  🙁 After the next financial budget, approaching women may no longer be free, thanks to a controversial new Approaching Bill. For every woman you approach, you may now…

How to never get rejected by women

—— How to never get rejected by women? Easy. Never approach. —— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —— Announcing workshops and bootcamps in New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. —— ——

Do you have a personal dating problem?

Got a personal dating problem? Pick up the phone. —— Is there a girl in your college/office/colony that you’re attracted to, but you don’t know how to proceed? Has something gone wrong with a relationship and you don’t know why? Are…

I don’t care what happens

I don’t care what happens ——– You see this really cute girl sitting with a friend in a cafe. What are you first thoughts? “They look busy, they may not like being disturbed”…… “Maybe she has a boyfriend” “How do…

Her erogenous zones

Female erogenous zones The hot, hotter and hottest parts of the female body. —— ——- ————————————————————————————————————– —- Foreplay tip —- Inexperienced lovers rush to her hottest zones first. —- Bad idea. —- Most women prefer that you go to her…

ART OF APPROACHING Teleseminar in your city!

ART OF APPROACHING Teleseminar Learn the 5 most important requirements of a good approach from the comfort of your home. Sat, 05 February, 11 am to 1 pm. All you need is a phone! ——– ——– ——- We will discuss the…

The boy must die

—— In many ancient tribes and cultures, when boys reach a certain age, they are put through a ritual that is often extremely painful and terrifying. ——— Only after successfully enduring the pain and horror of the ritual is the boy considered worthy of…