Real Man

Real Man

How do women see you?

How do women see you? Within minutes of observing you or interacting with you, a woman will put you in one of three categories. 1. Creepy 2. Provider (also known as husband material) 3. Lover ———– CREEPY The Creepy type…

Wanted kissing coach (female)

Our workshops teach men how to become more attractive. One of things participants learn is how to be a good kisser. We are looking for 2 kissing coaches (females only). If you’re a great kisser, and are willing to teach…

‘Creepy ex’ opener

You can open conversations with women using almost anything. But ideally, a good opener should … 1.  Interest the female psyche, and 2.  Project you as having high social value Here’s an opener I created that uses both the above…

3 common approaching mistakes

——————————————————————————— 3 common mistakes guys make while approaching women ——————————————————————————— MISTAKE 1 : Thinking too much You see a really beautiful girl. She is everything you imagined your perfect girl to be. You know you HAVE to meet her. But…

You must approach…no matter what

No matter how nervous you feel, or how hot she looks, or how many people are watching, you have to approach. Unless you approach her, you will never get to know her, befriend her, date her or have sex with…

Warm up before you reach the venue

Women notice it when you walk in (whether it’s a bar or a café or a party). They notice whether you are social and talking to people, or you go to a corner and sit quietly. They notice when you…

Attitude is more important than good looks

Many guys think that women are ONLY attracted to good looking men. The truth is, most good looking guys aren’t as successful with women as you think. The hunky Bollywood star who was arrested for rape could not even attract…

A simple way to approach a woman

At the Real Man workshop, students learn to talk to women in different situations. Whether she is walking on the street, shopping for clothes, seated at a coffee shop, browsing in a bookstore, standing at the bus stop, waiting in…