Warm up before you reach the venue

Women notice it when you walk in (whether it’s a bar or a café or a party).

They notice whether you are social and talking to people, or you go to a corner and sit quietly.

They notice when you suddenly decide to approach them after staring at them silently for hours.

Even if you open with high-energy, they notice that this is not your natural self.

And when they turn you down, you wonder what you did wrong!

Women notice you long before you think they do.

The solution? Get into a social mood before you enter the venue.

One way of achieving this is to get off your cab a short distance away, and walk to the venue while talking to strangers on the way.

Ask people for the time or for directions. Ask if there is a coffee shop nearby, and whether they’ve tried the coffee? Compliment people about something they are wearing. Ask people if they think you look cute…basically, get comfortable talking to strangers.

So by the time you reach the venue, you’re already in a talkative, friendly mood. And talking to the people inside becomes much, much easier.