‘Creepy ex’ opener

You can open conversations with women using almost anything. But ideally, a good opener should …

1.  Interest the female psyche, and
2.  Project you as having high social value

Here’s an opener I created that uses both the above elements. I call it the creepy ex opener. This is how it goes…

Me (to woman or her group) : “Hey guys, you look like experts, so let me ask you…”

Women: (curious/confused)

Me: My friend over there needs some female advice

Women: What?

Me: He broke up with his girlfriend last week. And she was quite cool about it, but now…*pause*… she’s behaving CREEPY!

Everywhere he goes, she’s right there! If he’s at a coffee shop, she’s sitting a few tables away. If he’s at a bookstore, she’s reading a book in the next aisle. He was at a movie yesterday, and she was sitting a few seats away.

Me: Is this normal female behaviour ?!

Women:  blah, blah,  she’s missing him blah, blah

Me: I have to go join my friend, but real quick…what should he do? Should he just walk upto her and ask her to stop following him, or should he just ignore her?

Women: He should ignore her/ he should ask her to stop / blah blah blah


That’s it. That was the creepy ex opener.

Let me break it down.

  • As soon as you approach a woman, her first thoughts  are logical, “Why is this guy talking to me?, What does he want? How long is he going to stay?” That’s why you need to engage her emotional mind immediately.
  • Women love giving advice. They love it even more if they have to give female-related advice.
  • The word creepy elicits strong emotional reactions from women. Almost every woman or her friend has experienced  a creepy stalker guy.
  • Now it’s unusual for a woman to behave creepy, so my story intrigues them, they want to know more.
  • They know that my friend must have high social value for a woman to follow him all over. And if he hangs out with me, it implies that I have high social value too.
  • Earlier I was a random guy walking up and asking a random question. But now, I am a high social value guy with interesting stories. Now they’re more open to interacting with me than before.

You guys are free to use this exact same opener, but ideally you should create your own.

By the way, the creepy ex incident actually happened to me. But I say it happened to my friend because women are a bit more comfortable when they hear it’s happened to a third-party.

You can get a bunch of openers for various situations when you attend any of our workshops
or eCoaching programs. We provide openers for bookstores, shopping malls, coffee shops,
supermarket, direct openers, situational openers and more.