Always approach alone, never with a friend

Approaching women with your male friend accompanying you,
is NOT attractive. It displays a lack of confidence.

Always approach alone. It demonstrates courage.

Women want to f**k men with courage.

If you’d like help from a friend to keep her friend occupied while you
talk to your target, then your friend can join LATER, at a high point
in the interaction.

After you make the girls laugh, and they want you to stay, THAT is when
your friend joins you and talks to the other girl, so that you can isolate your
target and take things forward without her friend feeling ignored or lonely.

Here’s a sample routine for a friend joining you.

Your friend joins you at a high point in the interaction (when the girls are
laughing or when they’re clearly into you) and says,

Friend : “Hey, did you see Sonali?”

You : “I think she went that way”

Your friend walks away in that direction.

This indicates to the girls that you guys have female friends in the venue,
which is attractive.

Just as your friend turns away, stop him and say something cocky like,

You : “Hey Vikram, you should meet these girls, they’re not too weird”

Friend : “Really, which one is cooler?”

You (pointing to her friend) : “She”

Friend : “Hey, you look like the kind of girl who…” he does a cold read or
runs other attraction material.

You turn your target away from her friend by shifting your position slightly, so she
now has her back to her friend. Now she feels like it’s just you and her in a bubble.
And she is not worried about her friend being lonely.

You continue creating a connection. 🙂


P.S. The only time it’s ok (and even helpful) to have a friend with you while
approaching girls, is when your friend is also a girl.