Why should she call you?



Here’s a common scenario.

Guy approaches girl at mall, talks for a bit and asks for her number.

Girl gives her number.

Guy calls her later. She does not answer.

Guy sends her sms reminding her of their meeting. She does not reply.

Guy calls her few days later, she answers,  sounds irritated, says she is busy,
says she’ll call back later, and hangs up.

But she never calls.

Guy wonders what went wrong.

Sound familiar?

If this happens to you, here’s a simple question to ask yourself.

Why should she call you?

She is busy. Her work schedule is full, she has personal chores to do,
her social life is packed with activities, and she has a choice of so many guys.
Why should she want to meet you?

You were just a random guy at the mall who was interested in her.

So what?

An attractive woman meets guys like you all the time. Everywhere she goes,
she finds guys are attracted to her.

What she cannot find is a guy that SHE is attracted to.

The mistake you made is that you got her number BEFORE she was attracted to you.

When you interact with women, don’t focus on getting her number.

Instead, focus on being interesting, on making her laugh, demonstrating high value,
teasing her and her friends,  displaying your personality, saying interesting stories…
focus on giving her a better time than she was having before you came along.

If you do that, you’re no longer a random guy, but a RARE find.
Now she is intrigued. Now she’ll want to know you better. Now she’ll want to give you
her number and probably even look forward to your call.

Here’s a simple tip  : Before you ask for her number, make sure she wants to give it to you.


A woman will sometimes give her number even if she is not really interested;
either because she is too polite to turn you down, or because she feels flattered
that you asked. She might even be attracted (just a bit) because you had the balls
to ask for her number, but later, when the moment passes, the attraction fades
away because it was too weak in the first place.