What to do when she tells you her name


When a girl tells you her name, don’t say what a beautiful name it is,
don’t say that you have a cousin by that name, don’t explain to her
the meaning of her name….no, no, NO ! It makes her think you’re
trying to win her approval. And that’s NOT attractive (trust me,
been there done that).


Besides, too many guys have told her that already (and as soon
as you say it,  you’re lumped together with all the rest).


So what should you do?


When a girl tells me her name, this is what I do…


She : “I am Dhara”

Me : “I already know 2 Dharas. I’ll call you Dhara3”


And that’s what I actually call her after that.


During our interactions (text, phone, meeting, sex) if she says
or does something I like, I’ll promote her to Dhara2.
If she does something dorky, I’ll demote her to Dhara4.


Women love silly contests and challenges like these.
She’ll actually put in the effort to try and get “promoted”.
