9 attraction tips for the new year + special offer

9 attraction tips for the new year

Do these 9 things in the new year and your attraction skills will shoot up.  I promise you.
Plus, a special offer you cannot miss!


1) Talk to everybody

Don’t wait to start talking until you get to the venue and start approaching girls.
Start talking before that. Get into the habit of starting conversations with anybody, just for
the practice. Chat with the paan-shop guy as you buy chewing gum. Chat with the rickshaw
driver on the way. Stop a guy with a great stubble and tell him his stubble rocks. Be the social
guy who talks to everybody. By the time you get to the girl, you will already be in a
conversational mood.



2) Don’t care about what people think of you

You may be hesitating to approach women because you are afraid people will judge you as
a sex maniac or a loser (confession : I have gone through that). But the truth is, people are not
judging you; they are too busy worrying about what others are thinking of them.



3) Don’t hit on her until she earns it

A common mistake guys do is to express interest in her too early. As you interact with her, and she
gives you a reason for you to be attracted to her, only THEN should you express your interest. A woman
should earn your attraction, only then will she value it.



4) Talk emotional, not logical

Don’t talk about cars, computers and database programming. Talk about relationships and the mysterious,
and use words for emotional impact. Even if you’re talking about your job, describe it emotionally.
Don’t just say “I am an architect”. Say “I take barren land and turn it into a work of art”.



5) Value rejection

There is no such thing as failure, there are only LESSONS. Every rejection teaches you a powerful lesson
that instantly makes you more skilled at approaching. Take the lesson, move forward. Next approach.



6) Fix your body language and voice tone

Stand up straight. Walk as if you own the place. Don’t lean in when you talk to women. Lean back and
speak loudly, slowly and expressively.  Voice tip: When you talk to anybody, talk THROUGH them,
not TO them; pierce the person with your voice.



7) Smile

Guys are often so preoccupied thinking about what to say, they forget to smile during approaches.
Always smile while approaching a woman. Fake it if you have to. A smile communicates that you have
friendly intentions, which gets her to drop her defenses and makes her more open to talking to you.



8) Use false scarcity

When a man approaches a woman, 2 questions spring up in her mind.

  • a) Why is he talking to me?
  • b) How long is he going to stay?

The best way to defuse these questions in her mind is to create a sense of scarcity and give her
the impression that you’re going away soon. Say things like, “I can only stay a minute, so quick question…” or
My friends are waiting, so real quick…”



9) Use push-pull

Never let a woman know for SURE where she stands with you. Keep her guessing. Say “I will take you out
for coffee but only if you dress hot”.
Look deep into her eyes and say, “You know what I love about your
eyes? My reflection in them. I look so cute!”
Keep her emotional state fluctuating high and low. Push and pull.
It’s the bedrock of flirting. Never stop doing it. Even after you’re married to her for 50 years.





An offer you shouldn’t miss!

As a new year gift, we have made the eCoaching program affordable to everybody.
Check it out here. Now learn the techniques of approaching, attracting and
connecting with women, at a really special price. The eCoaching program provides
step-by-step instructions to do all the 9 things described above.



